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Chinese translation for "hoisting jack"


Related Translations:
hoisting:  n.起重,提升。
hoist:  n.1.扯起,绞起,升起。2.升举器,起重机,升降机,吊车。3.【航海】(帆、旗升起后的)高度;一排信号旗;桅杆中部。4.〔俚语〕推,托,举。短语和例子air hoist 气动葫芦,气吊,气压起重机。 carriage hoist 起重车,卷扬机。 give sb. a hoist (如爬墙等)把某人往上一堆。vt.升,扯起,举起(旗帜等)。vi.升起来,扯起来。 hois
boat hoist:  起艇机。
hoisting drum:  绞车滚筒。
hoisting cable:  钢丝绳。
hand trolley hoist:  手动架空绞车。
jacks:  n.〔作单数用〕抛石游戏。
jacking:  n.1.【纺织;印染】(走锭纺纱机的)走车牵伸;叠层轧光揉布工艺。2.用篝灯打猎[捕鱼]。
jack:  短语和例子jack1n.1.〔常 J-〕 杰克〔男子名,也作 John 的俗称或昵称〕。2.〔J-〕普通人,男子,家伙,小伙子。3.水手,水兵,海员 (=Jack Tar)。4.伐木工;杂役,打杂工。5.(烤肉等用的)铁叉旋转器;脱鞋器。6.〔J〕(纸牌中的)杰克〔在国王(King)和王后(Queen)之下〕。7.赢得的大量赌注。8.【机械工程】起重器;千斤顶;(支柱等)支
sand jack:  【建筑】沙箱千斤顶。
Example Sentences:
1.Traditional method for overhaul of the top of miter gate is through manual operation by hydraulic hoisting jack , which has the shortcomings of low efficiency and great risk
2.Boundless and indistinct sea of faces goes alone , ability having a reason gets together meet , life bosom friend is begged the hardest , wish to change hoisting jack beautiful wine , the person meets bosom friend 1000 cups little , hit it off perfectly forget irritated worry , without giving thought to how much chun yuqiu , rejoice you become a friend
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